We’re coming out of the season of giving and it reminds me that there are some good things about the holidays that we should attempt to continue throughout the year. Compassion and Kindness are the top two.  You really can’t have one without the other and it’s these attributes that we carry forward from the holidays that can make the year better for us all.

Lack of compassion insulates us in a bubble of self-centeredness that keeps us from looking outside of our immediate circumstances to notice the plight of others. When we are all about us, ourselves and what we want or think we need, kindness can fall by the wayside. When that happens, relationships begin to break apart. We need to be compassionate and kind to our loved ones and to everyone.

Instead of staying in your own zone, look outside your own comfort level to be aware of your fellow men and women who may be in need of some kindness and care. Look at your partner, your child, your friends and do a little extra kindness for each of them as often as you can. Then turn to a stranger with a kind word, hold a door open, give a smile. It’s the little kindnesses and shows of compassion that make life better as we move through our day. You’ll find that you’ll be blessed by your actions as much if not more than the person you reach out to.

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