Look Both Ways

At the end of the year there’s always some looking back. Dissecting and analyzing of how things went; what worked and what didn’t. Did we make good choices? Did we make mistakes?  Did we learn our lessons from those mistakes so as not to make them again? I think it’s important to
do this, but also to look ahead.

This New Year’s holiday while you’re doing the recap of 2017, look for the best of the year to take ahead with you and let go of those things that held you back.  If you’ve been striving and not getting where you want to be in life, with your relationship or within yourself, don’t despair!

The New Year is the time to recognize and appreciate all the people in your life that make it worth living; to acknowledge the love and friendship that makes our lives brighter. To tell those in your life how important they are and how much they mean to you. We all didn’t make it through 2017, and we all won’t make it through 2018, but you can tell everyone who matters to you how much you love them and what a difference they make to your life being worthwhile.

2018 brings us another 365 days to get it right. Yes, take the lessons of the past to heart, but don’t wallow in the past. Leave it behind and move forward. If you’re feeling like 2017 was hard on you, you’re not alone; but have hope. You have more control than you may think. You don’t have to be a victim. Now’s the time to throw off that “victim” label and to move into the new year empowered and ready to make 2018 your best year ever.

Happy New Year!

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