Are you unhappy? Do you have that bleak and hopeless feeling like maybe this is all there is? I challenge you and your partner to snap out of it. Start making positive changes today that will lead to happiness tomorrow. With your partner by your side supporting you, this is possible and will change your lives.

Happiness is a choice that we each make every moment of every day to either let our circumstances define us or to be the change that we want to see in our world, and in our relationship. If you’re moody, nagging or quick to criticize your partner or your kids, believe it or not, you have the power to change that.

It takes you being aware of these issues and making an effort every time you’re about to retort or respond; to stop. Take a breath and think about your response. Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is what you say going to escalate the problem or help to solve it?

When you are mindful instead of reactive in conversations with your partner, you will make an immediate and positive impact on your relationship in general and your individual and collective happiness as a couple. It’s never too late to start, and you’ll be a more pleasant person to be around when you’re happier within yourself.  Try it and see if you don’t notice a remarkable change in your perceptions and interactions with your partner.

Thoughts become Deeds

Deeds become Habits

Habits become Character

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