Throw away all those lists and resolutions. New Year, New Me! Bah! What you need is an everyday affirmation of love and happiness. You don’t need to set yourself and your partner up for failure by setting up these impossible to reach unattainable goals. Instead take it a day at a time. Resolve to do one thing each day that makes you happy and one thing that makes your partner happy. They can even be the same thing. Here, I’ll give you some examples:

Monday Me: Today I want to take a walk at the park and get some fresh air and exercise.
Monday Partner: My partner will find a love note in her purse

Tuesday Me: Today I need to take an hour to be by myself and read or meditate.
Tuesday Partner: I will invite my partner to meet for coffee/cocktails after work

Wednesday Me: Today I will call my friend/brother/parent just to say hello
Wednesday Partner: I will send a text message or email to my love

You see? These aren’t big lofty goals, but small positives that you can easily succeed at through your day. These actions can make a big difference in your life and make you happier and more satisfied person overall.  You create the “new” you one positive action at a time.

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