25 09, 2022

Lonely men needs communication skills help


Why are there so many lonely single men? The majority,(more than sixty percent) of people on dating apps are male. If that doesn’t already put them at a disadvantage, the fact that relationship standards and requirements of single women for healthy relationships have increased is causing fewer good matches to occur, leaving a [...]

Lonely men needs communication skills help2022-09-25T19:56:23+00:00
31 08, 2022

Marriage Advice For Newlyweds


Marriage advice for newlyweds would be not to set unrealistic Expectations for Marriage . This can cause a lot of marriage problems. A large percentage of couples that seek counseling for marital problems do so because they have come to the marriage with unrealistic expectations for newlyweds. When the reality of a marital relationship [...]

Marriage Advice For Newlyweds2022-08-30T16:30:38+00:00
29 08, 2022

Marry Your Best Friend


Marry your best friend. This is an essential ingredient to a happy successful long term relationship.When you bring to mind your best friends, your closest and dearest friends, is your partner or spouse even on that list? If they’re not, they should be.  Friendship is one of the most important aspects of a good [...]

Marry Your Best Friend2022-08-29T22:56:12+00:00
29 08, 2022

Can Couples Have Affair Recovery ?


Affair recovery is one of the most traumatic things a couple needs to confront.  The pain of betrayal when there is infidelity in a marriage can be overwhelming. The person who had the affair has broken the trust of their partner, and  the vow they swore to keep when they were wed. Their partner [...]

Can Couples Have Affair Recovery ?2022-08-29T18:49:15+00:00
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