Do you get too emotional when you’re interacting with your partner? Have you ever been told that you need to “relax” or “calm down?” Don’t feel alone. Many of us could be considered too emotional. The thing is- it’s better to feel everything than not to have an emotional life. Who wants to be unfeeling, cold and expressionless? You might as well be a hunk of wood.

If you’re with someone you love, you get excited you get joyful. When things go wrong and you feel like you’re disconnected, you can feel sad, worried even desperate!  There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not too emotional. Go ahead and feel!

It’s what we do with those emotions that matters. When you’re happy do you show it, do you share it? When you’re sad, do you hold it in, or do you go ahead and cry. It’s important that you express your strong emotion and allow yourself to feel. Being too emotional is a myth. You are as emotional as you are; period. It’s just part of living and loving; one of the best parts of being human. We’re not the only beings on the planet that experience strong emotions, but we’re the only ones who can use language to express them the way that we do. Revel in that, own it. You’re not too emotional, you’re just emotional. That’s a good thing.

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