1 02, 2018

Snap Out of It!


Are you unhappy? Do you have that bleak and hopeless feeling like maybe this is all there is? I challenge you and your partner to snap out of it. Start making positive changes today that will lead to happiness tomorrow. With your partner by your side supporting you, this is possible and will change [...]

Snap Out of It!2018-03-07T02:35:56+00:00
9 01, 2018

Marriage Counseling: A wake up call to do better


In the same way that a health scare like a heart attack or cancer can be a wakeup call for you to pay better attention to the state of your health and how you live your life; a relationship “scare” can do the same for the way you handle the health of your relationship [...]

Marriage Counseling: A wake up call to do better2018-01-09T21:34:11+00:00
5 01, 2018

The need men feel to be the champion in their relationship


You’re a middle-aged couple, no kids. You’ve decided to put off having children to concentrate first on your education, then on your chosen careers. Sound familiar? It does to me. I recently saw a gentleman in my office for a session about his marriage and what he shared with me bears repeating. It’s nothing [...]

The need men feel to be the champion in their relationship2018-01-07T19:11:19+00:00
5 01, 2018

New Year New Me


Throw away all those lists and resolutions. New Year, New Me! Bah! What you need is an everyday affirmation of love and happiness. You don’t need to set yourself and your partner up for failure by setting up these impossible to reach unattainable goals. Instead take it a day at a time. Resolve to [...]

New Year New Me2018-01-05T22:32:58+00:00
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