14 08, 2018

Dating 101 for American Men


Should American men take courses on how to “court’ women properly?  This topic is of interest to me because when I see relationships in trouble, I realize that a large percentage of these couples stopped courting each other after they committed to their long term relationship. All of the wooing and courting behavior came to [...]

Dating 101 for American Men2018-08-15T14:20:55+00:00
12 07, 2018

I Really Didn’t Know


We’ve been talking in my office about expectations of relationships vs. the reality of them. I was especially impacted by one young couple that came to see me after 15 months of marriage. I was very curious to hear their story. This is a good example of how people can get into a situation [...]

I Really Didn’t Know2018-11-15T19:32:37+00:00
29 06, 2018

Marriage Counseling: The Best Intentions Misinterpreted


How many of you have ever taken text messages out of context? Have you read into these text messages a meaning that didn’t exist, and get it entirely wrong? You’re not alone. As a therapist I always recommend face to face conversations over text messages, especially when it comes to talking about difficult issues [...]

Marriage Counseling: The Best Intentions Misinterpreted2018-06-29T17:37:16+00:00
26 06, 2018

Relationship Advice: At War with Love


All couples fight While it may be the last thing you want to do with your partner, couples who fight are not uncommon. Couples can get into a pattern or cycle of fighting and making up. Becoming triggered by the same unresolved issues and the same actions, tone of voice or sarcastic or hurtful [...]

Relationship Advice: At War with Love2018-06-26T20:36:21+00:00
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